About the Roots & Shoots 30th Anniversary
In 2021, we celebrate the 30th Anniversary of Jane Goodall’s Roots & Shoots! As part of the celebration, Roots & Shoots global chapters are coming together to drive real, impactful change with members worldwide.
If you are not based in the USA and want to learn about joining this global movement, you can find your country’s Roots & Shoots chapter by visiting Roots & Shoots-Global.
The Connect the Change campaign has now ended, but you can still TAKE ACTION using the tools and resources below. The next global campaign in celebration of the Roots & Shoots 30th Anniversary will be the celebration of World Chimpanzee Day on July 14, 2021.
If you have started, continued, or completed a project as a part of the 30th Anniversary, you are eligible to receive an award during our global awards ceremony this fall- Apply below!