Student Engagement

Empower Youth with Tools and Opportunities to Succeed.

Change-Makers of Today for Tomorrow…

Facilitate change to address our world’s most pressing social and environmental justice issues led by young people. As a part of Roots & Shoots, you’ll grow compassion and engagement in your students by serving as educators and mentors, turning their ideas and passion into positive change.  Through our program, student’s interests are heightened and their learning accelerated to address global and local issues, while discovering what matters most to them.

Jane Goodall's Roots & Shoots Youth Council - US

Youth use their voice, innovative ideas, and actions to lead locally and as a part of the NYLC.
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Support the dreams of your students by helping them fund their world-changing projects!
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Expand the horizons and offer crucial experience.
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About Roots & Shoots

We are nurturing the compassionate leaders of tomorrow.

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