If you are under 16 years old, get a parent or guardian's permission to visit the registration page, and create your free account.
Fill out all the required fields to complete your sign up!

If you are under 16 years old, get a parent or guardian's permission to visit the registration page, and create your free account.
Fill out all the required fields to complete your sign up!
After you sign up for a Roots & Shoots account, you will receive a follow-up activation email to the email address you registered with. If you cannot find the email, please check your junk or trash folders.
If you did not receive an activation email in any of your folders, please email our team at rootsandshoots@janegoodall.org with your first name, last name, and username.
Click here to reset or change your password.
1. Log in to your Roots & Shoots account.
2. Navigate to your member profile page by clicking the welcome message at the top right.
3. Click on the Settings tab.
4. Under the General tab, change the account email and click save changes.
1. Log in to your Roots & Shoots account.
2. Navigate to your member profile page by clicking the welcome message at the top right.
3. The page should automatically open to the Profile tab.
4. Click edit to change your biography and save changes.
1. Log in to your Roots & Shoots account.
2. Navigate to your member profile page by clicking the welcome message at the top right.
3. Click Messages to view your inbox.
If you get an inappropriate message, click on the member's profile. You will see a bar with options to Block, Report, or (Private Message) that member. Please feel free to reach out to Roots & Shoots at rootsandshoots@janegoodall.org if you receive any inappropriate messages.
1. Log in to your Roots & Shoots account.
2. Navigate to your member profile page by clicking the welcome message at the top right.
3. Click Messages to view your inbox and then click compose.
Please note that some members are private and have opted out of receiving direct messages.
1. Log in to your Roots & Shoots account.
2. Visit the Groups page here
3. Click Create a Group.
4. After entering the required information be sure to click finish.
1. Log in to your Roots & Shoots account.
2. Navigate to your member profile page by clicking the welcome message at the top right. Then click on Groups.
3. Click on the group you would like to edit.
4. Click on the Manage tab and change your group name.
1. Log on to your Roots & Shoots account.
2. Navigate to your member profile page by clicking the welcome message at the top right. Then click on Groups.
3. Click on the group you would like to add members to.
4. Click on Send Invites.
1. Click on the groups tab at the top of the website. Click Search Groups.
2. Find a group of passionate change-makers you would like to join.
3. Click Join Group or Request Membership.
Please note that some groups are private and are not open to being joined by the public without requesting membership.
1. Log on to your Roots & Shoots account.
2. Navigate to your member profile page by clicking the welcome message at the top right. Then click on Projects.
3. Click on your project title. Click edit project. Scroll down to "optionally, select a group for this project".
4. Choose your group.
Please note that once your project profile has been affiliated with a group all updates to the project, such as the project report and completing the project, will require the group administrator's approval prior to being viewable on the website. You will also no longer be able to edit the project profile. You will still be able to fill out the project report and complete the project.
Public - Any site member can join this group. This group will be listed in the groups directory and search results. Group content and activity will be visible to any site member.
Private - Only users who request membership and are accepted can join the group. This group will be listed in the groups directory and search results. Group content and activity will only be visible to members of the group.
Hidden - Only users who are invited can join the group. This group will not be listed in the groups directory or search results. Group content and activity will only be visible to members of the group.
Search for a group near you by visiting the Groups page here.
Click view Groups Map.
1. Log on to your Roots & Shoots account.
2. Navigate to your member profile page by clicking the welcome message at the top right.
2. Click on Groups. Then, click on the group you want to edit.
3. Click on Manage, then Members.
Here you will see all group members and the options to Kick & Ban, Promote to Moderator, Promote to Administrator, and Remove from Group for each member.
1. Log on to your Roots & Shoots account.
2. Navigate to your member profile page by clicking the welcome message at the top right. Then click on Projects.
3. Click add new project.
To make sure others changemakers can find, and be inspired by your project be sure to keep the title short and include keywords, like a Roots & Shoots theme!
1. Log on to your Roots & Shoots account.
2. Navigate to your member profile page by clicking the welcome message at the top right. Then click on Projects.
3. Click on your project.
4. Click on the edit project tab.
5. Save your changes by clicking submit.
1. Log on to your Roots & Shoots account.
2. Navigate to your member profile page by clicking the welcome message at the top right. Then click on Projects.
3. Click on your project.
4. Click on the edit project tab.
5. Choose the files you would like to upload.
6. Save your changes by clicking submit.
1. Log on to your Roots & Shoots account.
2. Navigate to your member profile page by clicking the welcome message at the top right. Then click on Projects.
3. Click on your project.
4. Click on the edit project tab.
5. Click completion on the teal tab.
6. Click the “Complete this Project” tab.
Search for a project near you by visiting the Project page here .
Click view Project map.
1. Log on to your Roots & Shoots account.
2. Navigate to your member profile page by clicking the welcome message at the top right. Then click on “projects.”
3. Click on your project title, if you would like to make any updates to your original project, navigate to “edit project.”
4. Next, navigate to the “reporting” tab to complete your project.
5. Be sure to fill out all the details of how your project went into the reporting tab.
6. After entering the required information be sure to click “Submit Report.”
Please note the form can only be submitted once, so please make sure you are the designated project reporter. If your project is affiliated with a group, the group administrator will have to review and approve your project report before it is updated on your project page.
Think about the hours you spent planning and completing your project. This may include all steps of the Roots & Shoots 4-Step Formula. (Get Engaged, Observe, Take Action, and Celebrate!)
Learn more by exploring the Roots & Shoots 4-Step Formula.
1. Log on to your Roots & Shoots account.
2. Navigate to your member profile page by clicking the welcome message at the top right.
3. Click on the Settings tab.
4. Click on Export Data tab. Click request personal data export.
You can view our privacy policy here.
Still have questions? We have answers! Email us at rootsandshoots@janegoodall.org.