Nathan Nateras

  • Not recently active

Projects Joined

Nathan Nateras has not joined any projects.

Projects Created

  • North East Youth Council

    This project is more of an involvement, I joined a local youth group and our work varied from event to…
  • Art Classes for local homeless

    After being inspired by another local organization that started an art class for their local homeless, I wanted to create…
    7 hours logged
  • School Mural

    Create a conscious within our campus that is sustainable and considerate. We want students to treat each other and the…
  • Local Skate Competition

    Bring the community around a sport that is sometimes frowned upon, and change their perception of who we are as…
  • Ninja Heart

    My wish is for people to be more selfless when helping people in need, as it seems that there has…
  • Incorporating a mentoring program into World Fit For Kids

    My wish is that students have the opportunity to experience as much as the world has to offer to find…
  • Students Speak

    The objective of this project is to give students the ability and resources to present themselves in front of others…
  • Community Park Clean up

    I hope that this project will bring together the stakeholders of our community to see that as a collective we…
  • Money for Syria

    We hope to inspire young individuals by showing exposing them to the struggles of Syrian refugees but also showing them…
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