The Problem
I hope that this project will bring together the stakeholders of our community to see that as a collective we can fix the issues that affect us all. I also hope this this project in general will decrease the amount of litter on our streets, create relationships between community members, and help organize the community for events to come.
Our Plan
We will be conducting a beautification (removing litter) at a local park, York Park. This area is quite busy with families casually visiting, however we are aware that the litter surrounding the park diminishes the quality of the experience at the park. We created an event where the community can gather and together clean up the park and the surrounding areas. For food and water we reached out to local markets for donations, and luckily one said they'd be happy to cooperate. The local city council is also happy to lend us cleaning supplies, such as gloves and plastic bags. It is a fairly simple set up and hopefully the results will be worth the effort.