Community Collaboration

How To Approach Members of the Community for Collaborating

Reaching out to engage community members in your project can really increase the impact of your project. If you aren’t quite sure where to begin, check out the resources below for tips on interview questions and sample language for introductory emails!


Example Interview Questions

If a part of your Roots & Shoots project involves group members conducting interviews with community members, you can use these sample questions as a starting point.

  • What is your name and what is your role in your community? (Occupation, business, volunteer, resident etc.)
  • How does [state the issue addressed in your campaign] impact the community?
  • What would you like to see changed?
  • How do you think those changes could benefit the community?
  • What can people do to help make those changes?
  • What do you think will happen if we don’t do anything?
  • Is there anything else you would like to share?

"We got to know each other better by playing. Families played together. Friends were made. Relationships were strengthened.

Dee Kimbrell
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