The Problem
I want to provide as many people as possible with a filling and healthy meal. Kids who get free breakfasts and/or lunches at school may not have as much food when it\'s the weekend or breaks, and I want to support them.
I want to provide as many people as possible with a filling and healthy meal. Kids who get free breakfasts and/or lunches at school may not have as much food when it\'s the weekend or breaks, and I want to support them.
I hope to reach out to my school and community for donations, as well as using the given money to make even more packs, and I would also like to ask the students at my school to write encouraging messages to put in the packs. I plan to reach out to school officials in my area to identify local school food pantries who have a need for these packs.
I think our project went very well, because we made many more packs then originally planned, got my whole school involved, and the schools were very grateful for the help. It was very rewarding to see the school's gratitude, and I'm sure the kids were very glad to have some more food.
Not everyone has the same advantages as we do, and it can never hurt to help people in need.
I might ask another class to make notes for the packs, since we didn't have enough for every pack.
Making the packs and delivering them to the schools.
If you are making something to benefit kids, including a small note of encouragement can really make them happy.