“My Malaysia, Our Treasure” illustrated children’s book written by children for children

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The Problem

Children and all readers of the book/story (I.e. Parents and teachers) will empathise with nature and those in Malaysia impacted by environmental disasters (natural and man made) through an entertaining story told through young characters' experiences and good deeds to help make their world a better place.

Our Plan

An illustrated fictional story book written and illustrated by children for children living in Malaysia that inspires youth-inspired environmental and charitable good deeds big and small on a daily basis. Examples of current environmental disasters, their causes and some solutions will be used in a story that can inspire readers of all ages to take action. Book sale proceeds will go towards charities making a difference in Malaysia and Borneo based on the Roots and Shoots principles. In addition, School-based projects regarding anti-dengue campaign, local tree replanting/anti-flooding proposals to localised construction projects and funding children's homes/orphanages to be discussed as part of Jane Goodall school visit and year 6 term project at my children's school.

Themes Addressed

  • term icon
    Air Pollution
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    Community Enhancement
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    Indigenous Rights

The Benefit

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