Feed the Hungry

  • Location
    Madison, Wisconsin
  • Status

The Problem

Kids Express After School conducts an annual Share Your Holidays to eliminate hunger, through the local Second Harvest Food Bank of Southern Wisconsin from November into December. Our goal this year is to collect enough food and/or financial donations to equal 1,000 meals.

Our Plan

Two large barrels are strategically located on our 8 acres of campus Each classroom has a bin and money collection boxes in for their donations. Children learn about helping to feed families who struggle to buy their own food. The children will go to grocery stores with their parents and pick out items on the food list provided. Several classrooms of preschoolers are having a competition with each other to see who brings in the most items and money. Some classrooms set their own individual goal amounts and record it with a poster thermometer. As the donations come in, the children collect, sort, count, and take their donations to the collection barrels on campus. The project lasts for 3-4 weeks. The community business called Two Men and a Truck volunteer to deliver and pick-up the barrels, which are then taken to the Second Harvest Food Bank.

Themes Addressed

  • term icon
  • term icon
    Food Choices

The Benefit

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