Here is how the project went:
Our project went exceptionally well! Firstly, the group was required to make posters to place the issues and their approaches. The picture or the background picture can see this. After that, the students worked in rotation, addressing, and brainstorming solutions to a problem within our community. Many students wanted to tackle environmental or social issues within our community. Lastly, all students are required to take a survey, deciding on an official community project for March.
Through this project I/we learned:
Throughout this project, we all learned a lot more about our community. Not only were we introduced to different issues such as the lack of sexual education, or the increase in the number of stray cats, but we also added to different solutions and how they can influence our community. This project also allowed me to explore the dynamic of our Roots and Shoots group, and identify that there is a large pull towards addressing social and environmental issues (recycling, education, awareness, bullying, etc.), within our community.
What I/we might change:
If I conducted this project at our Roots and Shoots group again, as I plan for every school year, I would make sure that people give more realistic solutions. I would also try to engage the students more by focusing on and researching more local dilemmas within our community, rather than large general ones. Although we had a large number of local ideas introduced to the group, there were global solutions, that would be harder to obtain.
My/our favorite part of this project was:
My favorite part of this project was the aftermath. When the project was completed, many students were inspired to act on those issues. Not only were they engaged in the activity, but they are excited to choose a project and become more immersed and involved with their community.
Some tips, tricks or fun facts about the project:
It is important to get members within your community engaged! A substantial limitation of my project was the minimal people that participated (12). With more people, who care about the topic and making a change in the world, your community and peers will be exposed to many more issues and problems with realistic solutions in our community.