Building Bridges

  • Location
    Huntington Beach, California
  • Status
  • Age Level
    14 to 18 Years

The Problem

The classroom project that we have started is called, SerranoCIty Club. This classroom services college-bound students with Autism, who are working on earning a High School diploma on a comprehensive high school campus. Within this club, we organize a campus-wide recycling program, offer community-based job training, and a student-led Coffee Cart business for the entire campus. These programs make connections to the community and the main campus staff and student population. By participating in and creating these supplemental activities, we as a class increase acceptance, awareness, and success for students with an atypical Neuro status. We strive to instill a sense of community and family in that we can all grow and stretch each other to meet our next challenge and celebrate each other when we reach our goals. We are currently in need of materials to further our mission in all areas of SerranoCity Club.

Our Plan

Campus-wide Recycling Program Campus-wide Coffee Cart via Able Roasters SerranoCity Independent Living Course

Themes Addressed

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The Benefit

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