Measuring Success

Measuring Accomplishments and Reflect On Challenges

Throughout your project, tracking accomplishments and noting challenges help continually improve and demonstrate what has been learned. It will also help them with where to go next with your service project, and keep your group engaged and excited long-term.

Track Your Progress

At the beginning of the project, decide what data should be tracked to demonstrate impact for your service project. Consider your project goals. How you will show if your project has been successful? Throughout the project mark milestones in the progress against the goals and timelines.

Re-Map your Community

Some projects might benefit from a post-project community map. Revisit the observations made in the original map and compare them to changes they see in their community after their project has ended.

Survey your Community

Another great way to assess the impact of your service-learning project is to conduct a survey. Surveys can be as in-depth and specific as your project allows. Your group may wish to conduct a pre and post-project survey, or you may find it beneficial to interview members of your community after the project has ended to discover if their awareness has changed regarding your project issue.

Ways to survey the community

  • Photo Survey: Group takes before and after photos of their community to demonstrate the physical changes they’ve made.
  • Public Interview: Group member survey individuals in their community to learn how their project has impacted them.
  • Data Collection: Group members outline specific data they wish to collect to measure their impact. Then, they design detailed surveys to conduct before and after their project.
  • Group Member Survey: Group conducts a survey of its members to learn how the project has changed them and their perspective on their cause and their community.
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