The Problem
Every day, lots and lots of animals are killed. And for almost all of them are killed in inhumane ways. Factory farming is one of the worlds biggest problems. Animals are raised in cramped cages and denied to do things that come naturally to them. Chickens are debeaked. Babies are stolen from mothers. And they live short lives with only pain and misery. A chicken can live for 5 to 7 years. In factory framing they live a mere 47-8 days. They are also cured in cruel ways. They are conscious, often, when killed. And animals are not the only being affected. The climate is too. Factory framing is one of the major reasons of climate change. They are polluting the air and water in intense amounts. They are helping to spread climate change. It is also bad for humans. Factory framing is the most dangerous job. The workers are likely to get breathing difficulties. The farms also help spread virus, like covid. About 50% of workers tested positive. And there is also the emotional strain. Can you imagine killing helpless animals every day? That has got to mess with your mind. Now not only is this legal, it is 99% of the meat and dairy products. It is time someone stood up.