World Water Monitoring Challenge

  • Location
    St. Petersburg, Florida
  • Status

The Problem

To give the children hands on experiences so that they can understand the importance of water quality to marine animals and plants. To help them understand where water comes from and the water shed and how what we do affects the quality of the water.

Our Plan

We will use water testing kits to sample water in two different locations during group camping trips, Fort Desoto and Oscar Scherer State Park. We will enter these results into the World Water Monitoring Challenge that over 120 countries participate in. I will create a model of the of the water shed so that the kids can create rain after "fertilizing the grass (food coloring) and letting animals poop on it (chocolate chips)" so that they can see how it runs off into the ocean. I will also schedule a field trip with Tampa Bay Watch so that the children can learn more about the Estuaries in our area and the marine animals and plants that live in them.

Themes Addressed

  • term icon
    Clean Water
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The Benefit

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