Wondering Forward

  • Location
    Brooklyn, New York
  • Status
  • Age Level
    11 to 13 Years
    14 to 18 Years

The Problem

It’s easy for humans to get lost in the noise today and avoid tuning into what we value, why we matter, and miss the beauty in the world around us. Studies show, as a species, we resist self-exploration, especially when emotions are involved. Because they open the door to your insecurities, fears, or delayed dreams. But the longer we live on autopilot, the more likely we are to cause harm to each other, animals, and the environment. I use the power of wonder to help others become more mindful and discover ways in which they can bring more purposeful energy and action to the world. While I do this as a service offering for adults, I am creating a "school of wonder" for youth.

Our Plan

Identify and forge partnerships with up to 3 youth organizations in New York City. Provide after-school programming that inspires young adults to better understand and feel the connection between our own energy and that of the natural world. We will demonstrate the power and value of preserving and using nature as a grounding force in day to day life.

Themes Addressed

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The Benefit

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