
  • Location
    Newark, Delaware
  • Status
  • Age Level
    Any Age

The Problem

My goal is to collect $5,000 to help the Yellowstone Wolf Project group to pay for either two GPS collars or eight VHF (Very High Frequency) collars so they can keep track of the wolves in the park, study their movements and migrations, debunk myths, and stop the mass killings made by hunters.

Our Plan

I am rallying my neighbors and friends to the cause by: 1) designing a flyer and 2) distributing it in my neighbors' mailboxes, 3) gathering money, 3) sending it where it is most needed, and finally, by 4) recognizing people's support to this cause, 5) encouraging them to learn more about wolves and about their important role in our ecosystems.

Themes Addressed

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    Endangered Species
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The Benefit

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