Wildlife garden

  • Location
    El Dorado Hills, California
  • Status

The Problem

We are going to create a more habitable garden for birds, butterflies and bees, by implementing habitats for birds and planting more native plants to attract and feed butterflies, bees and birds.

Our Plan

Our project will involve our whole family and we have already started planting / spreading seeds of native flowers. Our project is to attract and help feed birds, bees and butterflies, as we are aware that they are under severe pressure due to their habitats being destroyed due to human interference. We have put in a bird bath, feeders, roosting pockets, a nesting box and we are currently germinating our milkweed flower seeds in the fridge for Monarch butterflies. We will plant and make abundant flowers and herbs, we will especially plant more basil plants as the hummingbirds and bees loved our basil plants last year. We've also planted apple trees and we do need these little beauties to pollinate them. We help feed them and keep them safe and they will help feed us, by pollinating our trees and vegetable and fruit garden. We have sowed multiple trays of seeds for vegetables and flowers and they are currently in a warm laundry room with abundant sunlight as we cannot plant them just yet as it is too cold. Due to the bird feeders we have already in our garden we are getting quite alot of little feathered visitors. We will keep you posted as we move along with our project.

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