Wild for Wildlife!

  • Location
    Woodbridge, Ontario
  • Status

The Problem

Our wish for the project 'Wild for Wildlife' is to promote awareness about the importance of protecting and celebrating our local wildlife. We do this by specifically giving our voices to animals who cannot stand up for themselves.

Our Plan

After walking through the community, and seeing how litter affects the local wildlife, group members of the Animal Awareness and Protection Team (students from grades 1-7), designed and promoted 2 fundraisers dedicated to raising awareness for issues affecting the local wildlife that is being rehabilitated to be released back into the wild in Toronto. The first fundraiser had the group members making play dough and then selling it to raise money for the Toronto Wildlife Centre, located in Toronto. The second fundraiser had students researching about animals and creating media pieces, such as posters and dioramas, to explain what is happening to these animals, in addition to explaining what could be done to save them. While these were on display to inform the school community, a raffle was held, raffling off donated items, such as gift cards and toys, to once again raise money for the Toronto Wildlife Centre.

Themes Addressed

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The Benefit

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