WHF: With a little Help from my Friends

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The Problem

Project partners from Greece, Ukraine and Turkey get inspired by Dr. Jane Goodall's story and share the stories of national change makers for further inspiration. Using a European educational platform, the students will focus on making a difference for themselves and their partners.

Our Plan

Initially, the children will work in national groups to map the problems in their local community. Later, they will meet online in transnational groups to try and provide ideas/solutions to the problems of their partners' local communities. After putting their ideas to action, they will record the results of their work and present project process and products to family and friends at a live transnational celebration! Follow the link https://twinspace.etwinning.net/28045/home to check our Project Journal where we post our news such as Dr. Jane Goodall's visit to Athens in December 2016!

Themes Addressed

  • term icon
    Pets & Companion Animals

The Benefit

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