What Are Those Worms Doing?!

  • Location
    Windsor, Colorado
  • Status

The Problem

Our fourth and fifth grade group will investigate the process of composting. They will create compost bins using two different methods: Worm Composting and Dairy Composting. The students will also investigate the amount of waste that is saved from the landfill by composting organic food scraps from our cafeteria. This will help them to understand the relationship between the food waste and harmful gases that the waste produces in the landfills. Additionally, this project will help them to gain an appreciation for nutrients derived from composted materials that are necessary for healthy plants.

Our Plan

The Skyview School of STEM Roots and Shoots Service Learning Project meets every Wednesday for an hour. The students will learn the process of composting both with worms and with dairy products. We will celebrate and communicate our results in May at a School Wide Assembly. Throughout the project the students will gain leadership skills by educating their peers.

Themes Addressed

  • term icon
    Air Pollution
  • term icon

The Benefit

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