We’ve Got Your Six 2

  • Location
    Chatsworth, Georgia
  • Status

The Problem

My wish for this project is that my students will create positive and good relationships with our community service members. This includes: police officers, sheriff's deputies, fire fighters, and EMTs. Students will also work on their writing skills through creating these cards. I think since my last project went so well that I want to extend off of last year and invite first responders from our community to come and talk with my students and visit our school.

Our Plan

Creating positive and good relationships in the community is the main goal. Students will be creating thank you cards for local community first responders. These vital members of the community will then be invited to come and chat with and visit with my students. I think that students will enjoy getting to know these brave men and women and it will also help to create a positive bond that might not always be there.

Themes Addressed

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The Benefit

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