Watershed Project

  • Location
    Monterey Park, California
  • Status

The Problem

First, students will do a mapping activity of our school campus with the primary focus to show the flow of water and flooding on school grounds. Next, students will learn about watersheds and will build a clay watershed model. Next, students will use the watershed model to educate others on what a watershed. Moreover, students will educate others on ways that we, as humans, impact our watershed. Lastly, students will educate the parents and school community on how we can help have a healthy watershed.

Our Plan

Our project will teach others about the importance of having a healthy watershed. Students will create watershed models to educate students and parents at our school's open house event. The focus will be on how humans interact with the environment and how we can make a positive impact on having a healthy watershed.

Themes Addressed

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    Clean Water
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The Benefit

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