The Problem
We wish to contribute to our schools bee sanctuary by designing and building bee "baths" where bees can get a drink of water. By creating a hospitable place for bees to live, we hope to increase the bee population around our school and in our community.
Our Plan
This year, we have been studying how a single change to an ecosystem can disrupt the entire food web. We became very concerned when we learned that bee populations were declining around the world because without bees, plants don't get pollinated! Our grade level has decided to build a bee sanctuary at our school that will cater to mason bees, which are safe bees, but also good pollinators. Our contribution to the bee sanctuary will be to design and build bee "baths" where bees can get water. We will also include solar powered water pumps in our fountains because we know that stagnant water can be a breeding ground for mosquitoes, which we are trying to avoid.