Water Wise Garden

  • Location
    Missoula, Montana
  • Status

The Problem

Our wish for this project is to make a difference in our community by conserving water by planting a native garden and teaching others how they can do the same!

Our Plan

Water use and water conservation issues are increasingly serious in the US west. We know that we must approach this problem in a number of ways. One way that we, as 4th graders can address this problem is to plant a garden full of water wise (native) plants at our school to serve as a demonstration site for all future students, their families and all members of our communities. Furthermore, we are addressing the problem of the alarming rate in which our native pollinators are decreasing, like the many species of bees native to western Montana. By planting these natives, we are providing a place for them to forage and thrive. In addition, we plan on using the money to create interpretive signs which inform all visitors of the benefits of incorporating native plants into landscaping projects.

Themes Addressed

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    Clean Water
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    Community Enhancement
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The Benefit

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