Water-Wise Conservation Garden

  • Location
    Ontario, California
  • Status

The Problem

Our wish for this project is to create a garden that showcases drought tolerant plants in its landscape. Also used will be re-purposed materials, such as broken up cement blocks, as stepping stones. We are hoping to show our school, staff and community that keeping materials from land fills and re-purposing them for a different use. Saving water in our drought tolerant Southern California conditions shares how school, home, and community gardens can be beautiful with planting plants that use little water.

Our Plan

Our action will showcase how other schools in our district and our community can utilize more efficient irrigation and utilize drought tolerant plants to create a practical and aesthetically pleasing garden. Our project will be a means to educate others in mindful irrigation that uses less water. Students will use the garden as a platform to teach other students, their parents, our staff and community about how our garden operates and sustains using less water than a traditional garden. Students as Junior Gardeners will help care for the garden, we will have community garden work days, and staff will take an active role in maintaining and improving upon the garden.

Themes Addressed

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    Clean Water
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    Community Enhancement
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The Benefit

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