Water Conservation

  • Location
    United States
  • Status

The Problem

I wish for funds to publish students' iBooks. These student-authored books will be used to spread the news about their water conservation project.

Our Plan

Students are working on a water conservation project. They are using an approach created by Project Citizen. First, they will research the problem. They will look at issues involving our statewide drought, as well as clean water problems effecting other parts of the world. Next, students will research alternative strategies to solve this problem. Their research will include both local strategies that they can implement as students, and global approaches to this issue. The third stage involves the creation of our policy. It will be divided into two sections - one focused upon global approaches, and the other upon local strategies. Finally, students will design an Action Plan to implement their policy. This action plan will include the creation of a PSA (public service announcement) encouraging water conservation. They will create pamphlets and iBooks to promote their ideas. Additionally, students will present a power point to share their information with our entire school community.

Themes Addressed

  • term icon
    Clean Water

The Benefit

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