“Waste Not: Want Not “

  • Location
    Simpsonville, SC, South Carolina
  • Status

The Problem

The wish for the project is to help wildlife, reduce waste, provide wildlife with fresh vegetation, to teach kids how to grow organic vegetables with the compost, provide organic vegetables for the community, and to instill a sense of service to the community.

Our Plan

Several students work at a local family-owned restaurant. They noticed that food such as the outer leaves of lettuce, melon rinds, celery tops, and the like were being thrown away. In their concern about the wasted food, the students noticed a wildlife refuge, Izzy's Pond, in the community. After some brainstorming, the students decided by majority vote to collect the vegetation at the restaurant. The leafy parts will be donated to the fowl life at Izzy's Pond. The rest will be composted for a community garden.

Themes Addressed

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The Benefit

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