The Problem
The purpose of this gardening project is to enable the students of Titusville Middle School to learn the importance of building and maintaining a garden in a pesticide-free environment. The project will allow the students to be involved in the planning, clearing, and preparation of the land area; the construction of compost area and raised garden beds; and planting, sowing, and harvesting the crops. During this process students will learn about the best crops to plant in Northwestern Pennsylvania, as well as when and where to plant the crops. Through different classes, they will learn about insect habits, irrigation practices, composting, and recycling. In addition to creating and maintaining the garden, students will be able to use the produce in their Family and Consumer Sciences classes. Other classes that will be able to incorporate the use/study of the garden are technology education, library science (research), the arts, health and physical education, foreign languages, business, science, math, reading, and social studies. With the hands-on experience of the project, the educational possibilities are endless.
Our Plan
October 2015
Voyager teachers visit community gardens in Meadville, Pennsylvania.
Voyager teachers visit schoolyard garden in the Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, area.
Advisory classes research composting.
Teachers and students create a list of materials and equipment needed from beginning to completion.
Students take photos and videos of the area in its “Pre-Garden” state.
November 2015
Students begin clearing area for construction (utilizing the compost area)
Students build compost bins
Students build compost area
Students take photos and video of ongoing projects
December 2015
Voyager teachers begin recycling and composting education through Advisory classes
Students take photos and video of ongoing projects
Art projects begin
January 2016 January 2016
Construction of raised beds begins
Art projects continue
How Nature Works Lessons (Building a Garden in a Day and Planning Your Garden)
February 2016
Voyager teachers continue recycling and composting education through Advisory classes
Students take photos and video of ongoing projects
Art projects continue
Construction of raised beds continues
How Nature Works Lessons (Soil, Living Systems)
March 2016
Students take photos and video of ongoing projects
Complete construction of raised beds
How Nature Works Lessons (Gardens Activity Guide: Soil, Gardens Activity Guide: Living Systems)
April 2016
Students take photos and video of ongoing projects
Landscape the area
How Nature Works Lessons (Gardens Activity Guide: Community, Gardens Activity Guide: Food and Carbon)
May 2016
Students take photos and video of ongoing projects
Raised Beds are placed.
Students add soil and seeds
Students prepare and send PSA Announcements and Press Releases
Ribbon Cutting Ceremony (Voyager Fest)
Enlist “Adopt –a-Bed” program
How Nature Works Lessons (Caring for Your Garden, Habitat)
June/July 2016
Students take photos and video of ongoing projects
Raised Beds are placed.
Beds are cared for by community members in the “Adopt-a-Bed” program and by the YMCA 21st Century Students.
August/September 2016
Students take photos and video of ongoing projects.
Harvesting and Sale of Vegetables through Future Business Leaders of America (FBLA) and FCCLA.
How Nature Works Lessons (Renewable Energy).
October 2016
Begin planning Phase II (Expansion).