Veterans garden club

  • Location
    Hannibal, Missouri
  • Status
  • Age Level
    5 to 7 Years
    8 to 10 Years

The Problem

Lack of pollinator plants and beautiful things at our school.

Our Plan

We have a garden club at Veterans Elementary that is made up of 17 students whose ages range from 5 to 11 and two staff members. Our goal is to create a fun and educational experience for students that are interested in making our elementary school more colorful and pollinator friendly. We plant many pollinator plants to encourage butterflies and bees to visit our garden. We have a reading patio in the back of our school that we are actively trying to make more beautiful with tulips bulbs, pollinator plants and a painted rock walking path. We would like to plant some flowering trees and possibly an apple tree in the upcoming spring season. Our students enjoy being involved in making our garden space more beautiful and learning about different types of plants. Weather permitting, we meet two days a week before school.

Themes Addressed

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The Benefit

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