Turkey Baskets

  • Location
    United States
  • Status

The Problem

The traditional Thanksgiving meal in the USA is a big deal, with turkeys, potatoes, cranberry sauce, stuffing, pies, veggies, and all the fixin's. Unfortunately, there are many members of our school community who struggle finanically to be able to afford all of the foodstuffs that comprise the traditional Thanksgiving meal. Our club and school contributed enough supplies to provide over 40 families (upwards of 160 people) with a full basket of traditional turkey Thanksgiving meals.

Our Plan

Communicating the food drive to the Chapman community (with school assistance); identified families in need (through school Guidance counselors); collected donations of food from students and their families over a 10-day period; assembled in the auditorium to group like-foods in specific categories; sorted and assembled supplies into family baskets; prepared baskets for personal delivery (by school administration) to needy families.

Themes Addressed

  • term icon
  • term icon
    Food Choices

The Benefit

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