The Problem
To care for existing trees and grow vegetables around our school campus, making it greener and more beautiful, take care of the trees around the vegetable garden that the students grow until they survive and thrive.
To care for existing trees and grow vegetables around our school campus, making it greener and more beautiful, take care of the trees around the vegetable garden that the students grow until they survive and thrive.
We will work with tree people in the process of completing this project. Using their "Planting Trees Project Tool Kit" the following steps will be followed: STEP 1: LEARN Conduct the Instant Expert activity. • Use the Instant Expert Activity sheets for a fun and informative, hands on activity to explore the topic of trees. STEP 2: ASSESS Map your site and assess the needs of the project. • Use the Project Assessment Tool to map and explore your site. • Use your map and the Planting Trees Project Readiness Survey to determine what is needed to complete the project. STEP 3: PLANT TREES Follow the guidelines to plant trees at your site. — Choose Your Trees — Finalize Your Plans & Get Permission — Prepare For Your Event — Plant Your Trees — Maintain Your Trees STEP 4: MAKE IT COUNT Make your trees count by mapping them on This also allows your group to measure the environmental benefits of your trees. STEP 5: SHARE WHAT YOU DID Share your project through TreePeople's various social media sites (see page 3) including the Project Toolkit Facebook Group and completing a final report.