Tree planting, planting milkweed and other butterfly and bee friendly plants. Working for the protection of trees in my city and supporting caring animal care in my community.

  • Location
    Lancaster, Pa., Pennsylvania
  • Status

The Problem

I believe trees are the answer to many problems the world faces. Trees along roadways reduce the heat island effect. Trees will help slow down global warming. Planting plants that are friendly to butterflies, bees and other insects will help those species survive. I live in a community where puppy mills are everywhere. I will work to combat the abusive treatment of dogs, farm animals, wildlife, etc. in any way that I can. I cannot thank Jane Goodall enough for her care and dedication. She is a wonderful inspiration and a hero of mine.

Our Plan

Plant trees and other plants this fall that support wildlife and the environment. I will work to support our state and nation's politicians and others in an effort to protect farm animals, reduce puppy mills, protect wildlife and regulate treatment of animals in general. I will fight attempts to eliminate the destruction of our national lands, parks and monuments. I will give as much as I can to support these causes.

Themes Addressed

  • term icon
    Community Enhancement
  • term icon
    Pets & Companion Animals
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The Benefit

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