Tree Planting

  • Location
    Huntington Park, California
  • Status

The Problem

Our wish for this project is to beautify our city with more trees. Trees have several benefits that are offered, including shade, air and soil filtering, and retaining water to be stored as groundwater. These benefits are crucial for our city since we live next to numerous factories that regularly pollute our community. We hope that our role in planting these trees will help combat the pollution we undergo every day.

Our Plan

Our project will help in planting six trees on a barren street that contains very few plants. Our club is partnered with a non-profit organization called TreePeople who will help our volunteers learn the process of properly planting the trees. Many of our volunteers have the title as a Supervisor Volunteer because they have had experience with planting and caring for numerous trees. Their role is to assist any volunteer that is still unsure of the process or is their first time in planting trees. We will promote our event to our club to receive as many volunteers as we can get. Our club is always ready and happy to help the environment, and our supervisors will help in overseeing the event.

Themes Addressed

  • term icon
    Air Pollution
  • term icon
    Community Enhancement

The Benefit

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