Traveler to Traveler

  • Location
    Salt Lake City, Utah
  • Status

The Problem

Our wish for this project is to raise awareness about the declining honey bee population in Utah (The Beehive State), as well as provide for the needs of homeless people with pets in Salt Lake City. Our group wishes to research the recent decline in honey bee populations, raise awareness and, at the same time, host a donation drive for homeless people with pets. We chose the name "Traveler to Traveler" because bees need hives just like people and their pets need homes, but sometimes they don't have them, and this is a big problem! It is important that we take action and teach our community about these environmental and social challenges. We want people to understand that there are homeless pets that live with homeless people and that their pets have needs, just like homeless individuals do. We also want to teach everyone that bees are necessary for our environment and our food supply. We can stop the decline in honey bees if we make better choices about the products we buy and boycott pesticides, especially systemic pesticides and neonicotinoids. If the bees die, we die!

Our Plan

When doing this project, we will raise awareness about the declining honey bee population at our school and in our community. We will write our state and national legislators and representative, educate our peers, host documentary screenings, create educational materials, and host fundraisers to buy pollinator plants for our school gardens. We will also visit local organizations that are dedicated to helping the honey bee and homeless people with pets. This will be the first Roots and Shoots program at our school, and we are excited to be planting the Root and Shoots seed!

Themes Addressed

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    Pets & Companion Animals
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The Benefit

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