Trash Flash!

  • Location
    Sherman Oaks, California
  • Status
  • Age Level
    5 to 7 Years
    8 to 10 Years

The Problem

My students are passionate about keeping their school clean. They want to form a clean-up crew to help picking-up trash that causes health problems for kids, adults, and animals at our school. They do plan to meet three times weekly to go around and picking up trashes on the playground and other problematic areas.

Our Plan

They have three steps in the plan process. They first plan to recruit more students by putting out flyers and signs. They also intend to make announcements on a PA system to educate and get more children to get involved. Next, they plan to pick-up trash three days per week for three months. They also want to have a contest among the grades to see which classroom log in the most minutes or hours of picking trashes. The winning class will get to paint pebbles/rocks with inspiring messages to promote more cleaning. These rocks will be placed in the school's garden.

Themes Addressed

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The Benefit

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