The Problem
Justin is on a mission to make the planet safer with less plastic and better water quality for the frogs and beyond. He is teaching people to switch from a plastic toothbrush to a more eco-friendly one.
Justin is on a mission to make the planet safer with less plastic and better water quality for the frogs and beyond. He is teaching people to switch from a plastic toothbrush to a more eco-friendly one.
Justin traded over 200 plastic toothbrushes for a Preserve toothbrush made from recycled yogurt cups. TOOTHBRUSH CHALLENGE. Justin wants people to know that it only takes one small change in their life, something as simple as the type of toothbrush they use, to make a positive impact on the planet. Justin has been collecting toothbrushes from his friends, neighbors, classmates, workspaces, and local dentist offices. He is determined to inspire them to switch from a traditional plastic toothbrush to a more eco-friendly option.
Justin educated children and their parents about plastic waste with a focus on toothbrushes. He share facts to educate and inspire others to make changes in their lives to help the planet. Justin purchased 200 Preserve toothbrushes and traded them in for their old plastic ones in hopes of teaching others about more eco-friendly toothbrush brands.
Justin collected toothbrush from friends, neighbors, classmates, dentisst, and community members in our Los Angeles community. He learned several research facts about plastic toothbrushes such as, "The Average American will throw away 300 toothbrushes in their lifetime." He also learned about different eco-brands and met with the owners of Preserve and Bambo Toothbruses.
This project was challenging due to the germs associated with toothbrushes and collecting them in a sanitary way. We were sad to see the TerraCycle program that we wanted to send our toothbrushes into had been stopped. We also were disappointed that Preserve owner did not want to progress with the project. We purchased 200 toothbrushes and we wanted to work with them in collaboration. We met with them in person and had business calls yet they didn't have an interest to moving forward with a collaboration. We're still interested in moving forward with toothbrush ideas or even creating an eco-friendly toothbrush that Justin would promote if we had some sponsors.
MAKING A FROG COMIC WITH A TOOTHBRUSH TONGUE. Justin made a comic to spread awareness about pollution and frogs. He then had his drawing made into a stuffed animal. It was also really great meeting with people all around the community to collect their old plastic toothbrushes. They were very supportive. And it was fun to see our toothbrush box fill up because it brought awareness to the problem and people started to notice.
We learned a lot of facts and sad facts about toothbrush waste. Justin learned that 50 Million Pounds of Toothbrush Enter US Landfills every Year and In the United Sates alone it is estimated that between 850 million, and over a billion toothbrushes, representing more than 50 pounds of waste, are discarded and end up in land fills every single year. – Eco Planet Bambo We also learned some fun toothbrush upcycling art projects to do with toothbrush to bring awareness to the issue. And learned that Toms of Maine makes a toothbrush out of plants. And the Company Preserve makes toothbrushes out of recycled yogurt cups.