Timbalero’s SEATEAM

  • Location
    Coastal Florida and the Bahamas, Florida
  • Status

The Problem

Mission: To remove plastic from our oceans and waterways! Our wish is to share social awareness and provide easy means (free nets) for children, families, youth sailors and others to do their respective small part in keeping our oceans, docks, lakes, rivers, waterways free of trash and plastic.

Our Plan

SEATEAM Goals: 1. To get nets and the desire to remove plastics floating in our ocean into the hands of families who can make a difference. 2. To bridge the gap between environmental giants who are doing big research and hard work to save our waterways and every busy boat-family who appreciates and understands the importance of clear water. How will we do it? We are doing our best to lead by example. We use a variety of nets onboard our boat to remove plastic from the water when we see it - which can be several times a day. Our goal is to buy additional nets so we can give them to youth sailors, boat-families and fellow cruisers to use on the docks, increasing their ability to help our mission. TEAM MEMBERS NEEDED: Noone can solve this problem alone. This is not a marina-management issue, but a social responsibilty. It takes each one of us doing our small part to accomplish a big thing. We CAN reduce plastics in the water and our food source IF we work together.

Themes Addressed

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    Clean Water
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The Benefit

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