The Story of Connection: Korogonas Ark, a sustainable, creative, spiritual, educational community towards Changing the Game

  • Location
    Korogonas plateau
  • Status

The Problem

"Korogonas Ark" is a contemporary Ark, situated in Southern Greece, a contemporary core-community for the preservation and dissemination of traditional values, information, old and contemporary knowledge, individual and collective holistic health as well as elements and methods among which seeds’ banks, natural, organic and sustainable farming and protection of various animals and plants. The Ark is the place where the preservation of experienced and approbated within the centuries global human values goes hand in hand with modernity, technological support and innovation, when all of the last three serve sustainability, spirituality and fully harmonious coexistence among every entity in micro- and macro-scales on Mother Earth. The Ark identifies itself as a core entity both for personal growth and awakening towards the global values of solidarity and unity, especially due to living our contemporary World Order. Simultaneously it becomes a vehicle for a smooth transition to the New Era, keeping the essential genetic material for the after-crisis period. It serves peace interactions, the Language of Connection, holistic learning, participatory tools for social cohesion, personal and communities' empowerment, integral justice, empathy, everyday spirituality, love in action, unity consciousness. Trainings, workshops, campaigns, schools' visits, retreats, hosting local and international volunteers, programmes for children, teenagers, parents and school teachers, community gatherings are planned for the years ahead.

Our Plan

Holistic learning tools and experiential educational methods are invested in our work. We invite people and groups of every age and walk of life to participate in workshops, trainings, retreats, volunteering schemes, outreach programmes, festivals, community gatherings and experience the power and inspiration of living in Unity with the Self, Nature and co-humans attuned to the truth, joy and generosity. "Korogonas Ark" constitutes an initiative which listens to the call of our era and responds to it: low eco-print, plant-based whole-food, empathy, inner peace, self-knowledge techniques, respect to every manifestation of life upon mother Earth, peaceful activism, community building (singing, circles, action, education, communication). Please join our FB group page "Korogonas Ark"

Themes Addressed

  • term icon
    Community Enhancement
  • term icon
    Food Choices
  • term icon
    Peace & Safety

The Benefit

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