The Rooftop Greenhouse Renovation Start Up

  • Location
    New York, New York
  • Status

The Problem

Our longterm goals are big. Students at A. Philip Randolph Campus High School recently formed a new student club named the R.E.C.O Club (Randolph Environmental Community Organization). We are an eco-club that is taking on various environmental issues within our school community and beyond. We are beginning our endeavor with the attempt to renovate our seven year abandoned rooftop greenhouse with the short-term purpose of growing food and ornamentals and committing to community service. We are determined to get the greenhouse up and running and are seeking help with our start up. We need tools, equipment, gardening amenities, and the opportunity to go on learning excursions to club related events and locations.

Our Plan

The RECO Club will begin growing food (suitable fruits and vegetables) as well as ornamentals in our school's rooftop greenhouse. We will try to develop diverse growing systems using aquaponics and soil/container gardening. Our school will look for funding to renovate the greenhouse for the longterm goal of adapting an urban agriculture curriculum for students with disabilities. In the meantime, students are looking to begin growing and caring for plants while learning about urban sustainability and biology. The RECO Club will also be taking on environmental campaigns and community service in NYC.

Themes Addressed

  • term icon
  • term icon
    Community Enhancement
  • term icon
    Food Choices

The Benefit

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