The Problem
After organizing two menstrual hygiene product drives within the past year, I realized that there is a significant need for items such as pads and tampons among people of little or no income in my community. I have two goals for this project: 1) To help supply my local food pantry/assistance program with hygiene products 2) To educate the community about the importance of menstrual hygiene and how we can help to ensure that all people are equipped with the menstrual hygiene products they need.
Our Plan
With the Roots & Shoots $200 mini grant, I will put together menstrual hygiene product "kits" for the food pantry/assistance program. These "kits" will contain items such as pads, tampons, underwear, bar soap, and toothpaste. I will also be sewing reusable cloth pads, since they can alleviate the costs of disposable menstrual hygiene products. After talking with the food pantry director, we decided to start out with 20 pads as a trial period. I will also be creating informational pamphlets about menstruation and the menstrual movement for community members.