The Period Society

  • Location
    Mumbai, Marshall Islands
  • Status

The Problem

The Period Society is a youth driven initiative to open up the conversation about menstruation and educate women about menstruation as a normal biological process. We plan to improve accessibility to menstrual hygiene products in locations in India which do not have access to these products. Our wish is that women in low income communities are empowered by knowledge about this monthly process, we eliminate Period Stigma to enable them to fully participate in society and reduce school absenteeism/ discrimination that women face because of their periods.

Our Plan

We plan to implement our goals through our three pillars - accessibility, conversation, and education. We plan to create educational modules on menstruation, menstrual hygiene, accessibility, and reproductive health to educate women about their periods. We will also have OB/GYNs approve all of these modules. We will host our first event - Samaan, a drive for equality in August 2019 to collect menstrual hygiene products to donate to women at certain locations in low income communities. Finally, through our interactive social media pages and website we will encourage students to take initiative in this movement for equality and begin speaking about periods fearlessly.

Themes Addressed

  • term icon
  • term icon
    Food Choices

The Benefit

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