The Liberty Middle School Garden Project

  • Location
    Libertyville, South Carolina
  • Status
  • Age Level
    8 to 10 Years
    11 to 13 Years

The Problem

Goal (Goals) The Liberty Middle School Garden project will include the growing flowers and vegetable crops and activities related to successfully growing and teaching students about crops and how to have their own successful garden. Teaching Students how to make and maintain a Mason Bee nest box to increase pollination, Objectives: To introduce students to basic plant care and sustainability. Placing store-bought and school-made Mason Bee nesting boxes around campus to Increase their numbers. Use the Garden to increase school and personal pride. Help students appreciate the importance of plants and pollination To give students the knowledge and experience to have their own gardens.

Our Plan

WE will use the school courtyard with eight large concrete planters to introduce students to basic plant care. The courtyard is located in the center of the school and has access from the school cafeteria, the library, and has windows from science classrooms overlooking the area. This project will bring student awareness to flowers and their delicate balance in nature. It will bring awareness of the importance of flowers and pollinators for agricultural crops and build pride within our school. We also have a few wooden raised beds to plant in as well. We will obtain garden soil from the Mini-grant and donations from the community to prepare the planting containers and growing areas. In the early springtime, we will work with the school cafeteria to harvest seeds from tomatoes, peppers, cantaloupe, and honeydew to grow seedlings. Students will plant seedlings at school and then take them home to grow. One of our teachers has done this for many years at another school. We also will be working with our county 4 H agent to obtain material and seeds.

Themes Addressed

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    Animal Welfare
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    Food Choices
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The Benefit

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