The Healing Ground Project

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  • Status

The Problem

At present, the information and stories associated with Aboriginal massacres come almost entirely from the European historical record and therefore from an exclusively European/White Australian perspective. This exhibition relates photographic images of massacre sites with the European history and local oral history so that the full impact of past events is exposed and explored. We are in the process of photographing 25 sites and, with the collaboration of the official Aboriginal group associated with these various locations, expressing the stories and memories of the events in their own words. The final exhibition photos will be large, static landscape shots along with their corresponding audio tracks to be listened to through headphones. There will also be a plaque to describe the European History, the location (where appropriate) and to acknowledge the people and groups who contributed to the piece. This project does not seek to rewrite the historic record but to add to it with image and story.

Our Plan

This project will be a significant contribution towards reconciliation in Australia. Already, Reconciliation Australia has come on board and we are halfway through recording the oral accounts attached to 25 Aboriginal massacre sites. The exhibition will tour regional and rural Australia before being donated for permanent viewing in one of the State or National galleries. We have begun a Pozible campaign and only need another $6,000 to finish documenting the massacres.

Themes Addressed

  • term icon
    Indigenous Rights

The Benefit

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