The Great Pollinator Hunt

  • Location
    Kona and Kapa'au, Hawaii
  • Status

The Problem

We are raising awareness about the importance of pollinators in two agricultural communities highlighting the importance of protecting wild and landscaped habitat and lessening use of neonicitinoids.

Our Plan

We will host two pollinator celebration at the farmers' markets, complete with bee and butterfly showcases, host an information display case at a main library, hold a XERCES-based pollinator habitat workshop, and conduct a citizen science data collecting project using an online tool. Our goal is to turn that data into a mapped outcome that inspires policy change on roadside spraying, household change regarding protecting habitat, and community change in promoting the return of dwindling pollinator populations.

Themes Addressed

  • term icon
    Community Enhancement
  • term icon
    Food Choices
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The Benefit

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