The Great Outdoors: Encouraging Enviornmental and Ecological Action through Education

  • Location
    Brandon, Florida
  • Status

The Problem

My wish for this project is to ignite in youth an awareness, connection, and caring for our natural world. Young people have become more detached from nature, thus exhibiting nature-deficit behaviors such as apathy for the environment. This project includes spending the year integrating environmental and ecological issues: animal extinction, deforestation, and pollution, while venturing outside for many hands-on experiences. Through these outdoor excursions, students will plan and implement environmental awareness campaigns to spread the word of global stewardship. Though students will be spending a considerable amount of time learning in the Great Outdoors, I would like the students' inside time to be equally stimulating by bringing the great outdoors INSIDE as well. Learners will be excited every day, whether inside or out, to feel the magic and enchantment of nature.

Our Plan

Environmental Awareness Campaigns: Students will plan and implement an Animal Extinction Campaign, a PLAWLKING Challenge- picking up litter while walking, a Tree Planting Fundraiser, and an Upcyle Campaign. Through these awareness campaigns, students will encourage action of many for variety of environmental and ecological issues. It is our wish to ignite stewardship in our community.

Themes Addressed

  • term icon
    Community Enhancement
  • term icon

The Benefit

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