The Great Lebanon Community Project

  • Location
    Lebanon, Pennsylvania
  • Status

The Problem

Our wish is that our children will discover a new sense of pride, ownership, and empowerment in our local community, the City of Lebanon, PA. We want our children to lead the way in understanding our watershed, and how important it is to take care of our environment. We are working with many partners, including our Mayor! We want to bring imagination, literacy, science, and creativity to the forefront. Children of all grades will work together on community projects that restore community pride, make an impact on the current and future generations. We are working closely with our Mayor, and we have also brought other partners to the planning table. Some of our partners include Harrisburg Area Community College, (HACC), Sweep the Streets, and Junior Achievement. We have invited City Council, our County Commissioners, State Representatives, and Parent Representatives (PTA/PAC Members) from each of our seven schools to be present at the project launching event, and to help us in the futures. We will be sure to document the first event on Sepember 21st, International Peace Day, with photos and videos. We are also very excited to tell you that one of our veteran teachers, Mr. Ludwig, LHS Science teacher, has written a grant in support of the Great Lebanon Community Project. We will tell you more about this later!

Our Plan

To find out more about our project, visit our website, ( and click on GLCP (The Great Lebanon Community Project) under quick links. You can watch a video of the Mayor and I (Marianne Bartley, Ed.D.), Superintendent of Schools. You can find our book about the Freddy the Fish and the beginning of our project. Our project is well underway. we have completed several activities, including a major stream and trash pick up on October 27, 2016. You can read about our success. We will be doing many more things in the months and years to come!

Themes Addressed

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    Clean Water
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The Benefit

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