The Community Unity Project

  • Location
    Bronx, New York
  • Status

The Problem

Our wish is to reduce, reuse, and recycle our community's waste and further improve the quality of life for children and families in the Bronx, NY.

Our Plan

Nino de la Caridad Foundation has partnered with the Department of Education with the objective of empowering youth and connecting them with career and college readiness initiatives through college prep courses, capacity building training, and volunteer opportunities. The Community Unity Project will incorporate a number of student volunteers on Friday April 20th 2018 (the Friday before International Earth Day Sunday April 22nd 2018). We will prepare a map which encompasses the entire area of Fordham Heights and some portions of the Little Italy community. Through an additional partnership with the NYC Parks Department, equipment, gloves, bags, and neighborhood support will also be provided for this project. Our goal is to create awareness in our community towards reducing pollution and increasing recycling efforts on behalf of nearby schools, community based organizations, and municipalities.

Themes Addressed

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The Benefit

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