The Problem
The Book Tasting initiative brings together high school students to share their cherished childhood books with younger students in the lower school. This unique project aims to foster a love for reading within the community while nurturing connections between students of different ages. By sharing their favorite books and engaging in discussions, high school students inspire younger peers to explore the world of literature, promoting a culture of reading and camaraderie within the school community.
Our Plan
Selection: High school students select a book from their childhood that they loved and believe will captivate younger audiences. Preparation: Participants prepare short presentations about their chosen book, highlighting its plot, characters, and what made it special to them. Event Organization: A designated event is scheduled where high school students present their chosen books to lower school students in an engaging and interactive format. Book Sharing: High school students take turns presenting their books to small groups of lower school students, encouraging discussions and sharing personal insights. Q&A and Discussion: Following each presentation, there is an opportunity for both high school and lower school students to ask questions, share their thoughts, and discuss the book together. Reflection and Feedback: After the event, participants reflect on their experience and provide feedback to improve future iterations of The Book Tasting project. Follow-up Activities: To sustain the enthusiasm for reading, follow-up activities such as book clubs, storytelling sessions, or library visits may be organized to further engage students in literary exploration.