Thanking our Heroes in the Armed Forces

  • Location
    Rosemont, Pennsylvania
  • Status

The Problem

The third grade Community Service club wanted to thank U.S military troops and veterans for their brave service for our country and keeping us safe.

Our Plan

The students wanted to show their appreciation to the U.S military troops and veterans that have dedicated their lives to keep our country safe. Their ideas included handmade arts & crafts projects that were made by the Lower School students during Dolly Gaul day. Dolly Gaul day at the Agnes Irwin School, is a community service day where the girls participate in different activities to help the local community. The club members decided to make tissue paper flowers to cheer up military service members and brighten up their rooms. Students also made pop up thank you cards to express their gratitude to the men and women. They also made “#1 Hero” medals to show their appreciation and admiration of their service for the country.

Themes Addressed

  • term icon
  • term icon
    Peace & Safety

The Benefit

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