Tenderloin Boys and Girls Club visits Garden at AT&T Park’s Outdoor Classroom for Kids

  • Location
    San Francisco, California
  • Status

The Problem

Our mission is to connect children and our larger community directly to the origins of their food and to inspire them to make healthy and responsible food choices. We want to be the best teachers at the Giants Garden, and part of that requires a bit of acting skills! We decided to practice how to keep kids engaged, so we looked up a few tips and tricks and plan on incorporating them into our lesson plan. We especially need this when kids get off track and we don't want them to miss any of the valuable information we're providing.

Our Plan

Specifically, we'll try to be more animated when standing at the front of the class - making our facial expressions more pronounced, using exaggerated hand gestures, changing the speed, tone and volume of our voice... we're trying it all! We also memorized a few cute tactics to refocus the group, whether this it's a clapping pattern or breathing exercise to calm the kids down, quiet their little mouths, and bring their attention forward.

Themes Addressed

  • term icon
    Community Enhancement
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    Food Choices
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The Benefit

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